Review: Effigy by Alissa York
Today, in January Magazine’s fiction section, contributing editor Cherie Thiessen reviews Effigy by Alissa York. Says Thiessen:
Effigy was born when York read a newspaper article about the FundamentaliThe full review is Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and one of their infamous Canadian communities in Bountiful, B.C. “I was shocked to read that the ‘plural wives’ of Bountiful are often little more than children when they are given in marriage,” she recently explained in an interview.
“What would it be like to share your husband? To share my husband. There was a buzz around the question -- the kind of sensation I get when there’s a story to be found in something. This was a really big buzz-from the beginning it felt like a book.”
Labels: Cherie Thiessen, fiction
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