Review: Galileo’s Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson
Today in January Magazine’s SF/F section, contributing editor Iain Emsley reviews Galileo’s Dream by Kim Stanley Robinson. Says Emsley:
The full review is here.Kim Stanley Robinson's Galileo's Dream is a wonderful beast, managing to come of rather more as a book than an elephant of facts woven together. Though I love Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle, losing myself in its intricacies, it came across as alternate history rivet counting -- perhaps weft counting is more appropriate -- to paraphrase the phrase for Hard SF. It was indeed hard, though meticulous, but at times the detail overwhelmed. Galileo's Dream spelunks in a slightly earlier period, covering Galileo's discoveries and subsequent trial, but it deals with much the same area: the entrance of the scientific age.
Labels: iain emsley, SF/F
Thanks for the comment and review link, but it always helps to present a title that is currently available for purchase.
Should that be one of the considerations for review? We don't think so.
Nor do I!
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