Study Says: Printed Books Win the Race
While the e-book price wars heat up, a more basic debate is afoot. Forget what kind of electronic book is actually better, which is faster? Electronic books? Or the traditionally printed variety? A recent study delivers some surprising answers. From PCWorld:

It will take you longer to read a book on an iPad or Kindle compared to the printed page, according to a recent study. Dr. Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group -- a product development consultancy that is not associated with Nielsen, the metrics company -- compared the reading times of 24 users on the Kindle 2, an iPad using the iBooks application, a PC monitor and good old fashioned paper. The study found that reading on an electronic tablet was up to 10.7 percent slower than reading a printed book. Despite the slower reading times, Nielsen found that users preferred reading books on a tablet device compared to the paper book. The PC monitor, meanwhile, was universally hated as a reading platform among all test subjects.The full piece is here.
Labels: electronic books
That may be true, but I still look forward to the special sound a book makes when you open it for the first time. It's educational too, because when my husband turns the sports channel on the TV, I head for the library.
150 Mile House, B.C. Canada
Sigh. Although my work is on the most-hated platform, I too, in my heart, prefer paper. And with e-books, you lose the irresistable fun of glancing at the book cover to see what the stranger sitting next to you is reading.
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